Joshua Nowak Joshua Nowak

The PRA’s Proposed Approach to Policy (DP4/22)

The PRA set out its approach to its new objective in the DP, stating that it intends to centre its attention on facilitating economic activity in the medium- to long-term, and steer clear of activities that might create short-term economic booms at the cost of long-term stability and economic resilience.

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k-ALM Ravi Patel k-ALM Ravi Patel

Funds Transfer Pricing

Funds Transfer Pricing (FTP) plays a crucial part of the process of setting both retail and commercial interest rates. This Insight provides a brief overview of the overall FTP process and how Katalysys can help small- and medium-sized banks implement such a process.

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CRR2 Alvin Abraham CRR2 Alvin Abraham

CRR2 - Risk weight for CIU exposures

The approach to evaluating risk weight for Collective Investment Undertaking (CIU) exposures has changed under the new CRR2 rules. There are three approaches outlined, and banks can select the specific approach based on the amount of information available about the underlying exposures of the CIUs.

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Brexit Alvin Abraham Brexit Alvin Abraham

Brexit - regulations and guidance

The UK has existed the EU on 31 January 2020 and currently in the transition phase until 31 December 2020. The BoE and PRA have published a number of guidance around regulatory requirements during the transition phase and on existing the transition phase.

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